The dispensers for aluminum foil and plastic wrap are among the most annoying-to-use kitchen items, but that's because the majority of people apparently don't know how to use them. On the ends of the boxes are two little tabs that make them so much easier to use, and believe it or not, they've always been there.
Most people who know about this "trick" assume it's common knowledge—especially since some brands even put instructions next to the tabs. All you have to do is push them in and they lock the roll in place so you can unroll and tear the wrap smoothly, without pulling the roll out of the box.
What about you? First hearing of end locks, or are they old news to you? Let us know in the comments.
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Wow 50 years old and just now finding out about tabs.
As you said, it would never have occurred to me that people didn't know this!
Neither me nor my wife knew they were there.
I only knew very recently
I knew about this I never seen the roll come out on her!II'm 57 yrs okl, wonder if my Nom'm 57 don
Damn ... I had no idea.
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