News: The 5 Weirdest Items on the In-N-Out Super Secret Menu

The 5 Weirdest Items on the In-N-Out Super Secret Menu

As a California resident, I'm all too familiar with the delicious western fast food chain In-N-Out. The food is great: the fries, the shakes, the fresh ingredients, the secret sauce. And of course, the secret menu. There are only 4 items posted on the in-store menu, but for customers in the know, there are more "secret" items available:

The 5 Weirdest Items on the In-N-Out Super Secret Menu

The secret menu is, in truth, widely known among frequent visitors, but the lesser known "super secret menu" has even more items on it. Inspired by the Davis County Wiki user-generated page—a lengthy documentation of all the menu options—Serious Eats went on location at the In-N-Out near Sausalito, and test ran a few especially unusual items...

1. The "Four-By-Two, Cold"

If you're familiar with In-N-Out speak, then you already know you can order several different ratios of meat to cheese—for example, 3 patties x 3 slices of cheese or 2 patties x 4 slices of cheese. But did you know you can order it "cold"? Yep. Anytime you add the word "cold" to your burger order, you will get just that—unmelted cheese.

The 5 Weirdest Items on the In-N-Out Super Secret Menu

2. The "Wish Burger"

Utter the secret option "wish burger" or just plain old "veggie burger", and you'll get a pretty sad sandwich: a salad of hand-leafed lettuce, sliced tomatoes, onions, and pickles stuffed between two soft, toasted buns.

The 5 Weirdest Items on the In-N-Out Super Secret Menu

3. The "100 x 100"

This one isn't from Serious Eats, but it's so spectacular, I had to include it. A dude over at blog What Up Willy actually ordered a 100 x 100 and split it with 7 of his pals. Would love to know how much one of these costs—truly amazing In-N-Out was willing to make it.

The 5 Weirdest Items on the In-N-Out Super Secret Menu

4. The "Flying Dutchman"

If you're on the Atkins track, try the "Flying Dutchman", a "sandwich" that skips the carbs and veggies and goes straight for the meat and grease—oil drenched patties in a puddle of melted cheese. Look messy? Try adding "Animal Style" (extra spread and grilled, chopped onions). You'll need a bib and a trough.

The 5 Weirdest Items on the In-N-Out Super Secret Menu

5. The "Side Salad"

Perhaps the oddest and most tight-lipped item on the super secret menu, the "side salad" is simply a salad on the side: a few dinky pieces of lettuce, tomato and onions tucked into a Double-double wrapper. Weird.

The 5 Weirdest Items on the In-N-Out Super Secret Menu

Now that you've been educated, here's to hoping In-N-Out comes to a state near you...

SOURCE Serious Eats

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ok, the side salad's just pointless. but i really like the idea of ordering the fries "extra crispy" which would have them frying their fries twice.

I like that too... though I thought the phrase was "fries well done"

Im from a state that doesnt have In-n-Out, now Im sad. I didnt realize they had secret items like this.

i have have had 6x10 omg that makes you hurt after. lol

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