Have a need for drama? Sick of doing kitchen prep and having no one appreciate just how much work you're doing? Then take a tip from a few seriously lazy cooks and peel a few pounds of potatoes in les ...

I always have fresh ginger around in my kitchen, but before I started to use it on a regular basis, I made a lot of mistakes when it came to prepping it. It has a very different texture from most othe ...

While living alone, I grew to enjoy cooking. Not only was it necessary to my existence, but it was cheaper than eating out. One thing I really came to love was garlic, especially its smell. If a recip ...

Caramelized onions are one of those ingredients you can add that immediately makes any dish feel a little fancier. They have that delicious savory-sweet combination, they're great in almost anything, ...

Any cook knows that juicing lemons inevitably means dealing with seeds. It's a small but real annoyance that can slow things down in the kitchen. We've already shown you several techniques to get lemo ...

Peeling apples is pure grunt work, especially if you have a recipe that calls for a lot of 'em, like apple pie. You can make this task go by much more quickly if you use something from your tool box—y ...

Store-bought citrus reamers and squeezers are great for extracting all of the juice out of lemons, limes, and oranges, but if you're not squeezing fresh juice every week, you probably don't have one—a ...