When I say dry chilli chicken, I mean to say this does not have any gravy in it. You can eat this as an appetizer . It's a great recipe when you want to have spicy punjabi style dry chicken with vegetables. I used chicken thighs in this recipe but you can always use chicken breast.
It's a great recipe when you have small get together or big parties. Everybody will enjoy this chilli chicken along with other appetizers. Chilli Chicken (Gravy and Dry) is a famous hakka dish and is trending across different parts of the world. It is very famous and available in bengal, punjab, delhi, mumbai, chennai, bangalore and other parts of India. It's also becoming very popular outside India like in the USA, Canada, UK and other parts of the world. It's one of the top chicken appetizers, easy to make at home and you should definitely give it a try.
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