Food Hacks How-Tos

How To: The Easiest Way to Prep, Peel, & Cube a Butternut Squash for Your Favorite Fall Recipes

Fall is the season of obnoxious food trends. You can't go out to eat or to the grocery store without seeing something pumpkin spice- or candy corn-flavored. Less annoying, but equally prevalent is the butternut squash. For the next several months, we will be pelted with recipes for butternut squash soup, butternut squash risotto, stuffed butternut squash... and the list goes on. Butternut squash is everywhere. But how many people actually know how to prep the stuff?

How To: A Layer of Water Stops Guacamole from Browning

Guacamole is one of those things that tastes far better than it looks. To someone who isn't a huge fan of avocados, guacamole's texture can appear slimy, and on top of that, its chunky green appearance brings up visions of Nickelodeon-style slime. What's even worse is the browning that occurs in just a few minutes of being exposed to air, and it's even worse if there's salt in it. I love guacamole, but that brown is enough to turn off even the most enthusiastic connoisseur. Few things are mor...

How To: Form a Makeshift Roasting Rack Out of Foil for Crispier & Healthier Oven-Cooked Bacon

There are so many kitchen gadgets that only do one thing. You can buy a special tool to strip the kernels off an ear of corn, de-stem your strawberries, or cut bananas into perfectly uniform slices, but that's all it'll do. It's easy to get carried away, and before you know it you find yourself designating an "everything" or "miscellaneous" drawer. Then there are the tools that have multiple functions, but you know you'd never use them often enough to justify spending the money. Unless you co...

How to "Eat" Your Sunscreen: 10 Nutrient-Rich Foods That Will Increase Your Sun Tolerance

Even as someone with super pale skin that burns instead of tanning, I don't use sunscreen nearly as often as I should. Or, uh...ever. My skin cancer prevention routine mostly involves hiding from the sun as much as humanly possible. If you're like me and hate the greasy feeling of sunscreen, there are other ways you can protect your skin by increasing your sun tolerance. Your diet actually has a lot to do with how easily you burn, so by getting enough of a few key nutrients, you can decrease ...

How To: Shake Cream into Butter Like a Boss

Don't panic the next time you pull an empty tub of butter from the fridge. If you have some heavy whipping cream, save yourself a trip to the grocery store and just make your own. When heavy cream is shaken violently for a long enough duration, it turns to butter—and if you're doing it by hand, it also feels like your arm turns to jello.

How To: Keep Tiny Dust Crumbs Out of the Last Bowl of Cereal for More Crunch, Less Mush

Cereal may be the most popular of breakfast choices, but one thing that has always bothered me about it is the crumbs. Just like a bag of potato chips, when you reach the last third of cereal in the bag, you're left with nothing but shattered remnants of what used to be. At least with a bag of chips, you have the choice to skip the tiny crumbs or not. It's a little harder with cereal, especially when it's mostly dust that flies right into your bowl.

How To: Hack Your Morning Pancakes for a Less Sticky & More Delicious Breakfast

Over 56 million Americans decided to skip breakfast this morning. That's 18 percent of the population. You're probably sick of hearing that the first meal of the day is the most important, but it's true—studies have shown that those who skip it consume more calories and fewer essential nutrients than regular breakfast eaters. Regardless of nutrition, who can pass up devouring a batch of warm, fluffy buttermilk pancakes drizzled in sweet maple syrup? And why, you ask, is there a giant hole in ...

How To: The Easiest Way to Make Sure You Get Your Daily Dose of Fruits and Veggies

According to the CDC, less than 33 percent of adults eat the recommended servings of fruit each day in the United States. When it comes to vegetables, Americans are even worse, averaging less than 27 percent. Most adults should consume at least 2 servings of fruit and 3 servings of vegetables each day, depending on age, gender, and level of physical activity. Eating lots of fruits and veggies has been linked to a better immune system, faster weight loss, and way too many other health benefits...