From fungi to foie gras, the weird ingredient cocktail game across the nation is growing by leaps and bounds. We had our hesitations about trying some of them out, and especially about attempting to m ...
Corn on the cob is one of the most popular accompaniments to a bountiful meal shared with a group because it's cheap, easy to prepare in a number of different ways, filling, and fun to eat. The butter ...
Imagine you have mastered the perfect cherry pie for your annual work picnic but, upon taking it out of its airtight pie carrier, your heart sinks as you realize the crust has turned to mush thanks to ...
Squiche, also known as a sweet quiche, is the newest trend to hit the brunch table. For those who are not familiar with this delectable dessert, it's a close cousin to a custard tart, but less sweet a ...
God, chili is amazing this time of year. It's hearty, filling, freaking easy to make, and it warms you from the inside out. My favorite part about chili is how none of its ingredients are set in stone ...
It's never too early to start planning for the best holiday of the year, right? We've already shown you how to make chillingly creepy cocktails, shrunken heads out of apples and potatoes, and a slew o ...
Bubble, bubble, toil, and trouble... it's time for another Halloween-themed food hack. This time, we'll be tackling the pumpkin cooler—an idea that has been done to death on DIY blogs around the inter ...
There are two types of Halloween lovers: Those who like culturally-relevant costumes and serving precious ghost cupcakes, and those who live to freak their friends the hell out in the most disgusting ...
We at Food Hacks Daily freakin' love Halloween—it's the perfect time for weird and creepy food. The gruesomer, the better. One of our classic favorites is the image of a frozen white hand, reaching ou ...
No one ever said you had to be a culturally-relevant pun for Halloween, you know—or a scantily-dressed version of the inmates from Orange is the New Black. None of that stress for me, guys. I'm going ...